The 2025 SRJC graduation commencement ceremony will be held Saturday, May 24, 2025 at 9:00 A.M. Have you applied to graduate yet? April 1, 2025 is the deadline to have your name included in the commencement program. Apply for your degree today!

Application for Cross Enrollment to the University of California, Berkeley

Policies and Procedures for Cross Enrollment between SRJC and UC Berkeley

Please read the following before proceeding to complete the form below:


A SRJC student is eligible to cross enroll if the student has met all of the following requirements:

  • Completed at least one term at SRJC as a matriculated student
  • Enrolled at SRJC in a minimum of six units for the current semester
  • Earned a grade point average of 2.0 (grade of C) for work completed
  • Paid appropriate tuition and fees at SRJC for the current semester
  • Completed appropriate academic preparation as determined by the host campus
  • Classified as a California resident for tuition purposes at SRJC
Enrollment Conditions:
  • Approval for cross enrollment is valid for only the one semester (Fall or Spring only) specified and is subject to space availability, deadlines, registration procedures, and priorities of the host campus. Students must reapply for each semester to cross enroll.
  • Students are subject to all administrative procedures of the host campus. Students must process an official drop at the host campus or risk having an unsatisfactory grade recorded on the permanent record.
  • Academic counseling is available only at SRJC.
  • Evidence of completion of course prerequisites may be required at the time of enrollment by submitting an official transcript.
  • Cross enrollment is not permitted during the Summer term.
Fees and Financial Aid:
  • Course fees are $46 per unit. Students will not be charged additional course enrollment fees. However, host campuses may charge an administration fee each semester.
  • Students will have to pay any additional fees required of other students at the host campus (labs, materials, breakage, computer, transcript, etc.).
  • Financial aid is available only through the SRJC campus. Students eligible for veterans, rehabilitation, social security, and other federal, state, or county benefits must secure eligibility certification through the SRJC campus. Units taken at both campuses may be combined to establish financial aid.
Services While Cross Enrolled:
  • Health services at the host campus are limited to treatment for emergencies.
  • Participation in student activities or use of the student union at the host campus is subject to limitations set by the host campus.
  • Parking on the host campus will be available on the basis of a term fee within campus parking availability or on a daily fee basis.
  • Information concerning host campus identification card policies will be provided at registration.
Cross Enrollment Procedures for SRJC students: SRJC (home campus) to UC Berkeley (host campus):
  1. Meet with a SRJC Counselor to determine appropriate UC Berkeley coursework in which to enroll and complete the Application for Cross Enrollment.
  2. Attend the desired class and ask the instructor if they will allow you to enroll as a SRJC/UC Berkeley Cross Enrollment student. If so, obtain the UC Berkeley Instructor's signature of approval on the Cross Enrollment Form.
  3. Once you have received your home and host campus professor approval you will email the application to to complete the Cross Enrollment Process.  Please do not submit the form without both approvals.
  4. Students will not receive a UC Berkeley transcript, cross enrollment courses will be listed on the SRJC transcript.