- What is a prerequisite, corequisite, and a recommendation?
A prerequisite is completed coursework a student must have completed prior enrolling in a particular class. For instance, to enroll in English 5, a student must complete English 1A (with a “C” or better).
A corequisite is a course that a student is required to take simultaneously in order to enroll in another course. Corequisites are designated in course descriptions in the class schedule and college catalog.
A recommendation is different than a prerequisite. The recommended preparation for a course is a course or status that a student is advised, but not required, to meet before enrollment.
- Is there a way to see if I have already met the prerequisite requirement for a course?
A student can check to see if the prerequisite requirement has already been met in the Student Portal by using Prerequisite Check in the Student Portal. If the requirement has already been met, you do not have to fill out a Prerequisite Equivalency Form.
- What if I completed the prerequisite course(s) at another college? How can I use that course to meet the prerequisite requirement for a class at Santa Rosa Junior College?
You must submit an official college transcript showing completion of equivalent prerequisite courses with a grade of C, “Pass” or better. After you have submitted your transcript, please submit the Prerequisite Equivalency Form: https://admissions.santarosa.edu/prerequisite-equivalency-form. Once your transcript has been reviewed, you will receive notification in your student portal.
- I am currently enrolled in the prerequisite course at another college. Can I still register for the next course in the series?
Courses that are "in progress” at another regionally accredited institution of higher education cannot be used to satisfy prerequisites. A student must complete the Prerequisite Challenge Form: https://admissions.santarosa.edu/prerequisitecorequisite-challenge-form along with supporting documentation, such as an unofficial transcript, showing the knowledge or ability to succeed in the course without having met the prerequisite. Please note that challenges are approved at the discretion of the department chair.
- How do I submit proof that I completed at course at another college? Can I use an unofficial transcript or a screen shot of my grade from the student portal?
The student must submit an official college transcript showing completion of equivalent prerequisite courses with a grade of C or better. If the student is unable to submit an official transcript in a timely manner, the student may challenge the prerequisite by submitting the Prerequisite Challenge form: https://admissions.santarosa.edu/prerequisitecorequisite-challenge-form along with supporting documentation. Please note that challenges are approved at the discretion of the department chair.
- Can I use Advanced Placement scores to fulfill prerequisite course requirements at Santa Rosa Junior College?
Advanced Placement scores can be used to fulfill a prerequisite. The official Advanced Placement Score Report from the College Board must be on file with Admissions and Records showing a minimum passing score that is equivalent to the prerequisite course. For more information on eligible scores please visit: https://articulation.santarosa.edu/advanced-placement-ap-exams To order your AP score from College Board, select SRJC as a receiving college: https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/sending-scores.
- What if my Advanced Placement scores are pending? Can I use a pending AP score to meet a prerequisite course requirement at Santa Rosa Junior College?
- Can I use completed high school coursework to meet a prerequisite requirement by placement?
Courses with math prerequisites can be met through the math placement process. For most students, placement in to math coursework may be determined by math coursework completed during high school. Math placement does not require a high school transcript, rather a self-reporting/certification of high school GPA and completed coursework (if student is dual enrolled, or has a graduation date is within the last ten years. Other options available to students who do not meet this criteria). Check and understand your placement options here. Placement into courses following AB 705 mandates are provided to you by Assessment Services.
- The course says I can meet an English 1A or Math prerequisite by placement following AB705 mandates. How do I receive the placement?
Most students are automatically given a placement upon admissions. You can check your placement here. All students should understand their placement options, and learn how to follow up if a placement is not found in their portal
- I received an alert when registering for Math 15, or English 1A that I must enroll in a corequisite course (Math 215, or Engl 50). How is that determined?
Math and English placement rules require students who had a lower high school GPA to take the corequisite support class.
Students may also receive this message if they skipped the math and English placement process and are attempting to enroll. If you receive this message, check your placement results, if they are blank, visit our website to determine and follow up on your placement options before attempting to register in Math 15, or English 1A.
- Will the college accept high school coursework as meeting a prerequisite requirement?
There are very few courses in which high school coursework directly fulfills a prerequisite requirement. Currently SPAN 2/FREN 2/GERM 2,CHEM 42 allow for successfully completed high school coursework to meet enrollment requirements.
A high school transcript must be on file showing successful completion of equivalent prerequisite courses. Once the transcript has been sent to SRJC, the next step is to submit the Prerequisite Equivalency Form: https://admissions.santarosa.edu/prerequisite-equivalency-form
- Can International coursework be used to fulfill a prerequisite requirement?
No, departments must determine course content equivalency for international coursework. Please challenge the prerequisite by submitting the Prerequisite Challenge form along with supporting documentation: https://admissions.santarosa.edu/prerequisitecorequisite-challenge-form
- What if a required corequisite is not offered or space is not available in any section this term?
If a required co-requisite course is not offered, or space is not available in any section this term, you may submit a Prerequisite Challenge form along with supporting documentation for the course that you want to enroll in to waive the co-requisite: https://admissions.santarosa.edu/prerequisitecorequisite-challenge-form
The 2025 SRJC graduation commencement ceremony will be held Saturday, May 24, 2025 at 9:00 A.M. Have you applied to graduate yet? April 1, 2025 is the deadline to have your name included in the commencement program. Apply for your degree today!