The 2025 SRJC graduation commencement ceremony will be held Saturday, May 24, 2025 at 9:00 A.M. Have you applied to graduate yet? April 1, 2025 is the deadline to have your name included in the commencement program. Apply for your degree today!

Priority Registration

What is Priority Registration?

Smiling Student

Priority Registration allows qualified students to register early for classes.

  1. To find your Priority Status, log in to your student portal and look under "My Records" and "Priority Registration Status".

  2. There are steps you can take to boost your Priority Status, such as completing college orientation, developing an education plan, and maintaining  good academic standing
  3. See the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below to learn more about Priority Registration and how you can improve your standing.

Priority Registration Frequently

Asked Questions (FAQs):

  • What are the priority groups?
    Priority Group

    Priority 1

    • Fully matriculated New and Returning or Continuing Active Military, Veterans, Foster Youth, Homeless Youth*  Disabled Student Programs (DRD), Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS) & CalWORKs, Student Parents and Rising Scholars Program students with up to 99.9 units in-progress and/or completed at SRJC.

    * Homeless youth is defined as currently and formerly homeless youth under the age of 25 by the date of registration.    

    Priority 2

    • Continuing and fully matriculated new and returning students, with in-progress and/or completed units at SRJC
    • Continuing and fully matriculated new or returning Intercollegiate Student Athletes (Verified by KAD Dean), Second Chance/Rising Scholars and Learning Communities.

    Priority 3

    • Continuing or returning priority 4 & 5 students who see a counselor for an education plan by the EARLY BIRD deadline
    • New fully matriculated students with COUN 270 successfully completed.

    Priority 4

    • Continuing students in good standing with 24 – 41.9 units in progress and/or completed at SRJC                       
    • Fully matriculated returning SRJC students with 24 – 41.9 units in-progress and/or completed at SRJC.    
    • New fully matriculated students with online or in-person orientation completed    

    Priority 5

    • Continuing students in good standing with 0 – 23.9 units in progress and/or completed at SRJC
    • Fully matriculated returning SRJC students with 0 – 23.9 units in-progress and/or completed at SRJC

    Priority 6

    Open Registration

    • Open Registration for all non-matriculated New and Returning or Continuing students with over 99.9 units completed at SRJC
  • How do I Earn Priority Registration?

    All new, returning and continuing students who began attending SRJC starting spring 2015 or after must complete Orientation, an Education Plan and be in Good Standing in order to ever earn a registration priority. If you do not have priority, one or more of the following steps is missing: Orientation, an Education Plan or Good Standing. Please see a counselor to review your options to receive registration priority.

  • How do I know what Priority level I have?

    Priority level information for each semester or summer term is available in the student portal under "My Records" and "Priority Registration Status".

  • What does the "99.9 Unit Limit" Mean?

    99.9 unit limit includes only degree applicable units in progress and/or completed at SRJC (SRJC courses numbered 1-299).

  • What does "Fully Matriculated" mean?

    A student has completed Orientation, and has an Education Plan on file.

  • What does "Early Bird" mean?

    Student meets with a counselor and has an Education Plan on file before the stated deadline. (last Thursday in March for summer and fall registration/last Thursday in October for spring registration.

  • What is the "Early Bird Deadline?"

    Students may be able to improve their registration priority level by meeting with a counselor on or before the specified Early Bird deadline each semester. Students are required to meet with a counselor and create an education plan or MAP (My Academic Plan). This date is the last Thursday in March for fall registration priority and the last Thursday in October for spring registration priority. Please see the current Academic Calendar for exact dates.

  • What does "Good Standing" mean?

    All Continuing and Returning students must be in “Good Standing”. A student in “Good Standing” is NOT on academic or progress probation 2 or dismissal or who is not on any probation for the last two consecutive semesters. Students are encouraged to go to their portal to view their priority date and time. 

  • What is a "New Student?"

    A student is considered a "new student" if they have never enrolled for credit courses at SRJC or were a high school concurrent student the last time of enrollment at SRJC.

  • What is a "Returning Student?"

    A student is considered a "returning student" if they previously attended SRJC and then sat out for at least one semester.

  • What is a "Continuing Student?"

    A student is considered a "continuing student" if they are enrolled in classes at SRJC in consecutive semesters (not including summer), one semester after the next. Basically, you must be enrolled in back to back semesters such as fall, spring or spring, fall without breaking enrollment. If you sit out at least one semester, then you will re-enter as a "returning student."

  • What is a "High School Concurrent Student?

    A student is considered a "high school concurrent" student if you are simultaneously enrolled at both your high school and at Santa Rosa Junior College. High School Concurrent students must complete the online application AND the High School Duel Enrollment form every semester of enrollment.

  • What is Orientation?

    Students may fulfill the orientation requirement by successfully completing an online counseling orientation, or by completing an in-person counseling orientation. Orientation services provided by EOPS, DRD and CalWORKs programs may also meet Student Success Program (SSP) regulations.

  • What is an Education Plan (aka Academic Plan)?

    Students may fulfill this requirement by meeting with a counselor to develop either an abbreviated education plan (one or two terms in length) or a comprehensive education plan (at least two terms in length and reflecting the number of terms required to achieve the student’s declared course of study). Students may also fulfill this requirement through other programs, such as DSPS, EOPS/CARE, CalWORKs, or other District programs that provide the education planning services. Students should work with counselors to update their education plans if their goals and courses of study change.

  • What is counted in the 99.9 unit limit?

    The 99.9 unit limit includes only SRJC degree applicable units completed or in progress (SRJC courses numbered 1-299). The 100 unit limit does not include units for non-degree applicable ESL or basic skills course (SRJC courses number 300 and above). Transfer work/units from other colleges is not considered for priority or probation status classifications.

  • What does "In good standing mean?"

    A student is considered in good standing if they are NOT on academic or progress probation 2 or dismissal OR has not been on any probation for the last two consecutive semesters.

  • Can I appeal my priority level?

    No. However, you can appeal your loss of priority and Promise Grant. For more information, please refer to: How to restore priority registration and promise grant.

  • How do student parents receive priority registration?

    Student Parents can submit the Request for Student Parents Priority Registration Form. This form must be submitted EACH term in order to maintain priority one registration. Forms submitted less than one week before the start of priority one registration cannot be guaranteed to be processed in time for priority registration.

  • What are the Statewide Enrollment Priorities?

    The California Community Colleges Board of Governors recently approved changes that establish system-wide enrollment priorities designed to ensure classes are available for students seeking job training, degree attainment or transfer and to reward students who make progress toward their educational goals.

    One of the great benefits of the changes is that new fully matriculated students who have completed college orientation and developed an education plan, as well as continuing students in good academic standing who have not exceeded 99.9 units (not including basic English, Math or English as a Second Language) will have priority over students who do not meet these criteria.

    Active-duty military and veterans, current and former foster youth, students in CalWORKs, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services and Disabled Students Programs and Services will continue to have the highest priority level for registration if they meet the same criteria listed above.

    Students on probation are encouraged to consult with a counselor to discuss options to improve their academic standing. Two consecutive semesters of academic and/or progress probation can result in loss of priority. Students nearing 100 units should carefully plan their remaining courses.

    Note: Students are limited to enroll in a total of 16 units during the priority registration period. Starting with open registration, students may enroll in up to 20 units.