Middle School and Application for Minors


Middle School Special Enrollment provides enrichment opportunities for gifted middle school students who can benefit from college level instruction.  Special part-time enrolled middle school students may enroll for one academic course each semester and are exempt from paying the California Community College enrollment fees.  Middle School students are still required to pay the student health fee and to purchase their own textbooks as recommended or required for their college courses.  Some courses may require payment of a material fee (see course description in class schedule).

All college coursework is governed by the Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) which allows the release of academic information, including grades, to the student only – regardless of age.  Academic information is not released to parents or third parties without the consent of the student.

The following steps must be completed two weeks prior to the start of each semester:

  1. Complete an Application for Admission with CCCApply: 


    CCCApply Begin Application for Admission!

  2. Complete a Middle School Special Enrollment Petition. Get a SIGNED AND DATED LETTER of recommendation to support your enrollment at SRJC on OFFICIAL LETTERHEAD. This should be written by your school principal and/or counselor and should verify a need for a SPECIFIC COURSE NUMBER and that the student possesses exceptional intelligence/talent, motivation, and maturity commensurate with college level standards. The letter should also specify the SPECIFIC SEMESTER that you wish to enroll in (example: Fall 2023) You must support your request by providing verification of your ability to be successful in the class you wish to enroll in; e.g. test scores, grade reports, etc.

After steps 1 and 2 are completed and submitted online to Admissions and Records, the petition will be reviewed by a committee.  Upon committee approval, the Director of Admissions and Records will schedule an interview with the student and make a decision on a case-by-case basis.  The Middle School Special Enrollment Petition applies to a specific class request; it does not provide for a blanket authorization, and students must meet the prerequisite requirements of the course before enrolling. 


A student is eligible to attend SRJC if they are 18 years of age before the first day of the semester or have one of the following:

  • High school diploma
  • GED
  • High School Proficiency Certificate
  • (If the student is under 18 years of age before the first day of the semester and has a GED or High School Proficiency certificate, a copy of their GED or Proficiency Certificate and a Parent Consent form are required before they will be able to enroll. Please submit to Admissions and Records.)

If the student has none of the above and is not attending high school the student must follow these procedures:


  1. Complete an SRJC Application online as a high school student: 


    CCCApply Begin Application for Admission!

  2. Student must provide a letter of release to Admissions and Records on official letterhead, (signed by the principal) from the school district of residence that specifically releases the student from compulsory attendance.

  3. Complete and submit a Signed Parent Consent Form to Admissions and Records.

NOTE: The student may enroll in CSKLS 731 (GED Preparation) only. All forms required must be submitted to Admissions and Records.




Definition: You are considered an emancipated minor if you have gone to court and have legal documentation separating you from your parents or legal guardians.


  1. Complete an SRJC Application online: 


    CCCApply Begin Application for Admission!

  2. If you have or are planning to apply to Santa Rosa Junior College and you are an emancipated minor as defined above, or, if you have applied to Santa Rosa Junior College and are not an emancipated minor as defined above but applied as being an emancipated minor, you must complete the Emancipated Minor Questionnaire  and submit to Admissions and Records with any required documentation. A hold will be placed on your record until you have successfully submitted this documentation.


Course Prerequisites:

All applicants are required to fulfill course prerequisites. A prerequisite is a condition of enrollment that a student is required to meet in order to demonstrate current readiness for enrollment in a course. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all course prerequisites are met and the Prerequisite Equivalency Form and high school transcripts are filed (if needed) prior to enrollment. The SRJC Prerequisite Equivalency Form is provided on our website at: http://admissions.santarosa.edu/forms.

Registration Delays:

The following conditions might affect or delay college admission: failure or insufficient time for application processing, placement testing, prerequisite verification, and/or limited college course offerings.

Code of Conduct/Academic Standards:

Dual enrolled students are expected to complete all course requirements, maintain a 2.0 grade point average or better in all college courses, and adhere to SRJC’s Code of Conduct (refer to the College Catalog and/or Student Handbook).


Official withdrawal is the responsibility of the student. A student who does not officially withdraw may receive a penalty grade. Details on these policies are in the class schedule.

Limitations on Enrollment:

There is limited enrollment in Kinesiology (formally Physical Education) activity classes for high school dual enrollment students. Only 10% of the total class seats available may be high school dual enrollment students. (Example: Total class seats = 40; high school dual enrollment total allowed= 4 students).  This 10% limit applies to all semesters at SRJC, including summer term.

Dual enrolled high school students may not enroll in any English 300 level courses.  However, high school students may enroll in English 100 through English 1A, provided placement scores allow enrollment and pre-requisites have been met.

Summer term only: Pursuant to Education Code 48800(d)(1), for any particular grade level, a principal of a high school may not recommend for community college summer term more than 5% of the total number of students who completed that grade level (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) immediately prior to the time of recommendation.

An Application for Admission for the semester in which the student is applying, must be submitted before the Santa Rosa Junior College High School Dual Enrollment Program Request form can be processed.

CCCApply Tech Support

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Contact technical support:

(7:00AM - 12:00AM, Monday - Sunday)



Important Information FOR all Students when completing the online application:
  • Please make sure the information that you provide on your online application is accurate and error-free.
  • Keep a record of your application confirmation number in case you have problems logging into the SRJC Student Portal, MyCubby.
  • Returning Students: We will attempt to match your records on your Social Security Number and date of birth OR SRJC Student Identification Number and date of birth that you have on file. There may be a delay in the processing of your application if:
    1. You do not provide the correct SSN or SID
    2. You entered an incorrect birth date
  • Enter your e-mail address on the application. You must have an e-mail address to create your account. The OpenCCC application does not provide an e-mail service.

    Free e-mail accounts are available from many sources:

Note: While all of the providers listed above have millions of users and are widely trusted to be reliable and secure, SRJC, OpenCCC and the CCC Chancellor's Office do not endorse any particular e-mail providers, and will have no liability should any issues arise with a particular email provider. We are making every effort to communicate with students by sending correspondence through e-mail. We advise you to check your e-mail often, as the information we send may be time sensitive and important to your college career.
  • Checking your e-mail is imperative to receive information for your next steps for enrollment as well as any other messages that may be important to your status as a student at Santa Rosa Junior College.
  • After you have completed your application, we will send you an e-mail with your unique SRJC Student Identification Number (SID.) Please keep a record of your SID number as you would any other important identification number. Your SID number provides access to all of your interactions at SRJC.