The 2025 SRJC graduation commencement ceremony will be held Saturday, May 24, 2025 at 9:00 A.M. Have you petitioned to graduate yet? April 1, 2025 is the deadline to have your name included in the commencement program. Apply for your degree today!


If you find you are on Dismissal status, you will be blocked from registration until you complete the following:

1. The Probation/Dismissal Workshop and

2. Meet with a Counselor to develop a Readmission Ed Plan for the semester you wish to enroll.

To complete the Probation/Dismissal Workshop, log in to your Portal and in the Online Classes/Workshops block, click on Probation/Dismissal.

Snapshot of the student portal Online classes workshops

Then, complete the workshop by scoring 100% on all quizes. You can attempt each quiz more than once, but you have to score 100% on each to register completion.

After you complete the workshop, contact the Counseling office to meet with a Counselor for a Readmission Ed Plan (707) 527-441 Santa Rosa Campus or (707) 778-3914 Petaluma Campus. Once you make the plan, and complete the workshop, you will need to be able to register for classes and your status will be changed to Probation 2. 

You can also sit out for one or two semesters and your status when you return will be Probation 2 instead of Dismissal. 

For more information about being on Dismissal, please refer to: